Seconds - By the Metre Fabric
WINTER SALE - All sale fabrics are selling at £35 per metre
Buy the specific amount that you require! You can purchase 'By the Metre' fabric in any quantity you choose; the minimum order is 50cm, and we cut in 10cm increments thereafter. These are fabrics that are either seconds, or ends of rolls, so hurry while stocks last! When ordering, the quantity box defaults to 1.5m, so just replace this with the quantity of your choice and click 'Add to basket'.
Sale Fabric Disclaimer: After purchase, we assume no liability for fading, defects, or issues with the fabric. Since the fabrics in sales are either discontinued, seconds, or ends of rolls, we do not advise using them for blinds where possible blemishes are more noticeable. It is therefore up to the user to choose how or what they use the fabric for and where it is placed after completion, if the customer still wants to make any of the aforementioned. We will not be held liable if any problems arise.
All sale products, including By the Metre fabrics, are non-returnable.
*Not all of the images in the picture slides are for sale, some have been used for viewing purposes only.